What Honda teaches us about failure!

Posted on January 24, 2011. Filed under: Encouragement/Empowerment |

So many times we fear failure.  We think of it as something that we cannot recover from.  But, failure can actually be a good thing if we interpret it in a positive way.  Failure should be a learning event that allows us to better our product, strategy or event.  As my friend Melissa so eloquently put it: 

Failure is a FINALITY word that seems to denote the casket is closed and buried. You can fail at a task or an attempt but I do not believe you can consider yourself or your life a failure until you have left the earth and even then, you may not have accomplished all you hoped but you left something in motion for the generations after you…that is not failure…

Failure is not falling but failing to get back up.

Failure is not making mistakes but quitting altogether.

Take a moment to look at this short 8 min video by Honda and let me know what your “Aha” moments are in regards to failure. 

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